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UX Craft

  Facilitation is the most underrated skill in the design world. Being able to facilitate conversations in meetings and workshops is one of the core skills of a Product Designer. You can apply facilitation techniques to conducting user research and/or user interviews to structure the conversation to understand your users’ problems and needs. The same […]

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Consumers don’t want a convenient shopping experience. They want more than that.  Convenience is the typical word used to describe what customers seek in their shopping experience. This is often combined with ‘easy to use’ or ‘simplicity’ in the digital world. What does it even mean that consumers want a convenient experience? Nothing. These descriptions […]

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Designs are a great visual representation of how we can solve user problems. We create screens that illustrate what and how technology needs to work to allow users to perform specific tasks as seamlessly as possible. Most importantly, designs are the best way to communicate with teams, ensure we are all on the same page […]

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We all have love-hate relationships with people, places, activities and things.   I absolutely love London! The million and one cultures, arts, fashion and nightlife. That’s what makes me fall in love with this city over and over again. At the same time, I deeply hate London! The commute when I get crushed on the […]

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Today, on my bus journey, I came across a very interesting article from Fabricio Teixeira (founder of UX Collective) on how relevant it is to split participants by gender when conducting user testing.   In this article, Fabricio questions if gender affects the results of usability testing and raises doubts around some of the assumptions that […]

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Raffaele Di Meo

Design, mentoring, workshops, strategies and innovation

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